Saturday, February 25, 2012

Stranded on an Island. Now What?

So I'm getting my morning routine done and I'm thinking about "stranded island" situation. Of course my family, faith and all that wonderful substantive stuff. Now living in vapid land, what would I not be able to live without? Besides the two products that I posted about prior, the next item is something I found eight years ago and I've tried EVERY other product that claims to be able to do the same thing. Ladies: Line Fillers!!!
I‘ve been using Avon’s Solutions Line Filler and I swear by it.  It’s only $6.00 at from MY local Avon Lady and the tube lasts about 2 months (with as much as I use it,  that’s a lot). Here’s what I’ve tried that does NOT work:
  • ·        Heidi Klum’s: In an Instant- this, I found out, is face primer-like. Nothing magical, L’Oreal studio primer does the same thing and it’s much cheaper.
  • ·        Olay’s Fill and seal- nope and it crumbles after you put your makeup on.
  • ·        Neutrogena- minimal results. If I pile it on and let it “seep” in, small result. Not better than Avon however. Told you I was OCD.

Again I want to go the cheapest route to get the best effects- my husband is a penny pinching German;p. I can buy line filler for $200.00 or get injections.
6.00- for lines gone for over 5 hours=good value!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

My Main Go-To Anti-Aging Products That Solves All Problems

These two babies are what started it all. I remember going to a restroom at midnight when I was thirty and seeing two laugh-lines and thinking "what the hell are those?!" After that I did a lot of research. I found a lot of DIY info- some of it pretty scary (do it yourself botox???) some not so scary. Did you know that the only thing a vet legally HAS to do is inject rabies vaccine? Otherwise you can do the rest yourself. I thought that there has to be something that we can do ourselves that doesn’t legally HAVE to be done by a Dr. NOTE: I will not take responsibility if you act like an idiot and hurt yourself. That's on you! Again I have fair skin so it’s more beneficial for my skin tone anyway. I don’t smoke and I’ve been wearing sunscreen since I was sixteen.
 At-home chemical peeling and Dr. Pikard’s Super Copper Peptides. You can find these anywhere on the internet but I have been ordering from  for seven years with NO problems.
I started out slow with a glycolic peel and over 7 years am now on to a tca 30 % every month, and a mild jessner for a weekly exfoliation.

The supercop formula will have you smelling like pennies for the first few minutes but it’s the same formula they give to burn victims to pull and tighten the skin.
At a salon this would be about 100.00 – 200.00 for 1 time, I paid 34.00 and 84.00 but it will last me a whole year. It pays for itself in 2 months.
More to come- happy face saving!