Monday, May 28, 2012

Can You Smell "Younger"? Yes You Can!

Can you really smell younger? Have you ever met someone that inexplicably was incredibly attractive?  That certain “chemistry”? What about meeting someone who seemed so friendly you instantly felt at ease? Science can now confidently tell us that yes, like other mammals we create and release invisible “pheromones” that trigger responses for those around us. Pheromones tell others if we are friendly, unfriendly, our age, and if we’re fertile and of child bearing age or “young”
Pheromones are an external hormone meant for others to react to whereas hormones are meant for only us to react to.  Scientists have debated for years as to whether or not we have pheromones and if we do, what does it make us want to do?

Dr. Cutler, biologist and endocrinologist in the 70’s knew that humans secreted pheromones and was able to prove women that had regular “relations” with their husbands had more regular menstrual cycles. By 1986, she was able to identify the actual compounds we release and was able to synthesize them. It seems for women to appear fertile (i.e.young) we produce (sweat, or urinate)  copulins , oxytocin, and androgens right before we ovulate.

By the nineties Cutler, along with Revlon, was able mass produce pheromones for the public. I personally was introduced to pheromones by a woman in sales that swore by them in helping her increase sales. She said that women were more friendly and men would approach her. I had to try it!

I started off slowly with a “beginner” pheromone- meaning not too strong of a reaction- positive or negative. I bought “Scent of Eros”- unscented roll on as the scented made mine and several others noses itch. I was told to roll it on my wrist, by my ear lobes and underneath my nose. Within in seconds I got  a “high” of euphoria that lasts about a minute. I’m not kidding.  I noticed that I was much happier and easy going. I noticed a small amount of attention from men ( not that I’m looking). Women in lines would turn around and politely smile.

I then moved on to Primal Instinct, a more potent pheromone with copulins and androgens and is also unscented. With the Scent of Eros and Primal Instinct I noticed more of that "high”. I also noticed that women would turn around and instead of smiling; they would start chatting me up, all the time! I also noticed that men would come over and start talking to me wherever I was. Not “hitting on me” per say, but friendly.  Did they think I was younger? Who knows but I did notice a huge difference when I used the pheromones and when I didn’t. It does seem to act as a social lubricant.
While a bottle costs on average 40.00 , it can last about a year, in fact it looks like it’s time for me to order some more! Try it and let me know your results!!!
Happy Young Smelling!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Boom, Your Time is Up. Stress and Aging

It’s no mystery that stress, fatigue and anxiety takes a toll on us. We get baggy eyes, dull skin, dry lips and sometimes, hair loss.

None of this should be news to you. What is news is that science has finally been able to prove that there is an actual chemical change when are stressed that actually, physically changes our genetic makeup and shortens our lives. A study from Biological Psychiatry, studied our DNA and noticed that with age, our outermost DNA (or telomere) shortens as we age. Almost like a bomb fuse. When it’s gone, we’re gone.
So when that was established, scientist looked at several people with diagnosed depression or anxiety and found that their telomere (fuses) were shorter than other people their age.

On this basis it has been suggested that telomere length is a measure of biological aging, and telomere length has subsequently been linked to age-related diseases, unhealthy lifestyle, and longevity. The research team shows that shorter telomere length is associated with both recurrent depression and cortisol levels indicative of exposure to chronic stress.

So what does that mean for us? It means you cannot take stress lightly. Stress will shorten your life and make you ugly!  Do everything you can to maintain your lifestyle with known relaxants:  Exercise, yoga, prayer, eating right, wine. 

Another method that you might consider is hypnosis. Self-hypnosis has shown to help those with severe stress trauma, such as PTSD. Some people are very successful with hypnosis and have used it to quit smoking, lose weight, you name it.  I have several MP3s from Uncommon Knowledge for exercise motivation, and to release stress and relaxation. You can download them directly to your ipod or your phone. It gets me to sleep everynight! If I don’t have time for a nap- the 15 min recording will have you feeling revived, I promise.

Want to try it for yourself? Simply email me, and let me know you’d like to try the relax/stress relief mp3, and I will email it to you right away, free!