Friday, April 27, 2012

Nutracueticals Part 2: Imagine Having Permanent Moisture

Last week I talked about Nutracueticals, or giving treatment internally through foods/supplements. For the past 20 years the United States has focused on skin treatment using the quickest route- topically. Meanwhile Europe and Japan’s scientists at  Lavipharm (France) have discovered more effective ways to combat ageing; internally.  Ten years ago  scientists figured out how to extract a much needed anti-aging compound:
Ceramides via Lipowheat tm . This patented supplement has made its way to the US only 9 months ago.

The best way to describe Ceramide’s purpose is to compare it to spackle or mortar (as in bricks and mortar). Our skin cells lie flat overlapping each other. Ceramide is the “glue” that seals the skin cells together, therefore locking in moisture. As we age ceramide production slows down and cannot keep up with evaporation of moisture which leads to dry itchy skin. Elizabeth Arden knew long ago that ceramides (like collagen and HA) are in the mix to help us looking great and had added this compound to several of their products. While these are great products, putting ceramides on externally has minimal results. Scientist Robert Haas MS says that it is virtually impossible to consume enough ceramides through our diet alone. However science now shows that taking ceramides orally through a supplement can restore hydration up to 90%.

Video explaining Ceremide’s Function

You can find ceramide supplements on the internet- but the company that seems to have the greatest market hold in the US is LifeExtension, with Lipowheat selling for 10.00 (I’ve seen it sold on Amazon for 15-20).  Studies document improved moisture retention and some relief of skin problems like psoriasis and eczema. Wheat ceramides are identical to ours and ingesting them is supposed to help boost other topical cosmacueticals you already use.

I personally have been taking it every morning for three weeks and have noticed that I need less moisturizer in the morning to get that “smooth” feeling. I do have problems with eczema and so far, no outbreaks, but I’ll have to report on that later. I do notice a slight “aftertaste” after I take it, much like the omega 3 supplements I take.  But for me- 10.00 is WAY cheaper than a 200.00 moisture cream with ceramides.  Add me to the Lipowheat fan club!

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