With this blog I want to discuss what it is that actually
signifies age, and where are you actually are on that scale.
Most of know what old looks like when we see it: wrinkles,
droopy lids and skin. I have found an excerpt that is the benchmark for what
cosmetic surgeons look to in determining how advanced a patient has aged
dermatologically, not necessarily chronologically.
Read the types below and see where you think are, then put
your assumptions to the test and really see what type of aging you are in.
Type I: Mild (age 20s to 30s)
• Little to
no wrinkling (even with animation) and no skin spots
Type II: Moderate (30s to 40s)
• Early
wrinkling (especially with motion)
• Loss of
• Early
appearance of brown lesions, slight yellowish discoloration or brownish cast
with increased freckling
• Makeup
needed for uniform appearance of the facial skin
Type III: Advanced (age 50s)
• More
visible wrinkles
• Sallow,
yellowish skin discoloration with telangiectasias (spider veins, reddened
• Obvious
visible brown skin lesions
• Heavier
makeup always worn to even skin color but can accentuate deeper wrinkles by
Type IV: Severe (age 60s to 70s)
• Almost no
pink color at all
• Increased
brown spots, becoming more elevated
• Heavy
makeup worn that cakes and does not cover well
Where do you think you were? I would say I would say I’m
between a type 1 – type 2. Starting to see some wear and tear, but can still
get way with a powder for a complexion corrector.
So now the fun part- let’s put my assumption to the test!
Face.com is the originator of the face recognition software
hopefully used to determine if Facebook users are the age they say they are.
Currently Face.com has a “sandbox” for us to play in and hopefully get some us
to build apps around their technology. Their software allows you to either play
with the photos they provide, or upload your own. It is so intelligent – it can
confidently determine your gender, your mood, and for our purposes, how old you
look to the world.
I took this software for a spin for myself and several
friends and family members. Sorry! Surprisingly it was pretty accurate. See
My daughter Madeline- actual age- 12...and usually happy:)
Myself- it says i am probably 23, at the most 33.
Actual age- 36- was happy with these results!!!!
Want to see if you’re fooling anyone? Give it a whirl,
1. Step 1 :Click on the window saying “upload”, it will launch a window

2. Step 2 : Select picture
3. Step 3: Click on “Call Method"- then hover over your picture.
Have fun and enjoy! But don't take it too seriously- it thinks Justin Bieber is a female:)
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