Friday, April 27, 2012

Nutracueticals Part 2: Imagine Having Permanent Moisture

Last week I talked about Nutracueticals, or giving treatment internally through foods/supplements. For the past 20 years the United States has focused on skin treatment using the quickest route- topically. Meanwhile Europe and Japan’s scientists at  Lavipharm (France) have discovered more effective ways to combat ageing; internally.  Ten years ago  scientists figured out how to extract a much needed anti-aging compound:
Ceramides via Lipowheat tm . This patented supplement has made its way to the US only 9 months ago.

The best way to describe Ceramide’s purpose is to compare it to spackle or mortar (as in bricks and mortar). Our skin cells lie flat overlapping each other. Ceramide is the “glue” that seals the skin cells together, therefore locking in moisture. As we age ceramide production slows down and cannot keep up with evaporation of moisture which leads to dry itchy skin. Elizabeth Arden knew long ago that ceramides (like collagen and HA) are in the mix to help us looking great and had added this compound to several of their products. While these are great products, putting ceramides on externally has minimal results. Scientist Robert Haas MS says that it is virtually impossible to consume enough ceramides through our diet alone. However science now shows that taking ceramides orally through a supplement can restore hydration up to 90%.

Video explaining Ceremide’s Function

You can find ceramide supplements on the internet- but the company that seems to have the greatest market hold in the US is LifeExtension, with Lipowheat selling for 10.00 (I’ve seen it sold on Amazon for 15-20).  Studies document improved moisture retention and some relief of skin problems like psoriasis and eczema. Wheat ceramides are identical to ours and ingesting them is supposed to help boost other topical cosmacueticals you already use.

I personally have been taking it every morning for three weeks and have noticed that I need less moisturizer in the morning to get that “smooth” feeling. I do have problems with eczema and so far, no outbreaks, but I’ll have to report on that later. I do notice a slight “aftertaste” after I take it, much like the omega 3 supplements I take.  But for me- 10.00 is WAY cheaper than a 200.00 moisture cream with ceramides.  Add me to the Lipowheat fan club!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Inside/Out: Nutracueticals for Internal Aging

Part 1

For the last 20 years, the United States has been researching ways to slow the aging process ( notice I have not said “stopped”) topically, everything from the outside- actives that treat aging are called- Cosmaceuticals. These are anything from injectable to the higher potency actives I’ve talked about in early blogs. We spend 33 billion dollars on an industry based on magic creams and potions.

The next couple of blogs I want to bring you up to speed with what the rest of world has learned in anti- aging research. Japan especially has been researching how to slow the aging process internally- or as they say -  with Nutraceuticals .

The first nutraceutical supplement is a “vitality “drink.  My husband found this drink mix, as he has always had interest in health and vitality supplements; super food drink, anti-oxidants, green tea, etc. Since I’ve always had energy issues (and energy certainly declines with age), I’ve always tried the energy drinks, b-12, GNC,  Herbalife, you name it!
I’ve finally found the “cure all” superdrink. It’s the Super C22  Dr. Pinkus drink mix, I add it to my Fresca. If I have a headache- I take a teaspoon of SuperC22, have a stomach ache , take a teaspoon.. low on energy... You get the point.

The drink makers claim that its high doses of Vitamin C (22 forms) may help: :

Super C22 formula -Vitamin C helps to improve immune function, neutralize free radicals, restore energy, relieve stress, and support vital systems. What Important Health Benefits Could Your Body Be Missing
If you’ve used Vitamin C to defend your body against the common cold — or even stress — you already know it’s a vital ally in keeping your immune system healthy. But did you know that Vitamin C has anti-aging properties that encourage collagen formation? What’s more, the latest Vitamin C news suggests that it may be able to:
·         Increase lung capacity
·         Enhance mental clarity
·         Lower blood pressure

I can’t speak to the science of this drink but I have had higher blood pressure readings the last four months, I just had one last week- it was perfect! I also notice if I mix this in with my workout water, I have a ton of energy, I feel refreshed. Placebo effect? Don’t care- it tastes great and it make anything you sprinkle it in a fizzy drink!

Next week-  Japanese scientists have found nutracueticals that produce smooth skin!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Golden Band-Aids: When Temporary is Just Fine!

I know that in the past, I’ve shied away from temporary fixes, like putting collagen on your face topically for a temporary plumper. Some of you have asked me is there is any “quick fixes” that are worth the time. There is! Most people already are familiar with an arrangement of this golden band-aide molecule for their joints- called glucosamine.  While collagen is better taken internally, hyaluronic acid can be applied topically for cosmetic uses.

The “acid” part of the name is a misnomer- there is no burning or harshness sensation when applied. Derived from radishes (vegan product!), this natural plumper is found in the body around our collagen and is used in several injectable products (Juvederm, Radiesse). For cosmetic purposes you can also find, hyaluronic acid made out of powdered rooster’s comb (yuck!)
Hyaluronic acid acts like a giant sponge that 
collects all of the surrounding water and keeps around its molecules for about 8 hours depending on the potency. Hyaluronic acids can absorb between 500 to 1000 times its weight- that’s a lot of plump!

 You can purchase just hyaluronic acid serum, or in most cases, look for it in the ingredients of our favorite moisturizing night cream. If you do use it long enough- it can “maintain” the plumped look over time.

If you look in the ingredients, Hyaluronic acid can be listed as Hyaluronan or Sodium Hyluronate. Over the counter creams including our magical plumper would be Neutrogena ‘s Ageless intensives (19.99-50.00). The price is right and I’ve heard good things. Also Olay includes HA in their array of products.
Currently I am using Life ExtensionDNA Repair cream for 19.60. This cream has lots of other yummy actives which I’ll discuss later, but it also has our famous HA, which I sometimes place on my smile lines and let it just soak in. This cream is a little heavy for me so I need to be careful or I would be breaking out. 
The results, however, are miraculous.
Happy Face Saving!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Guessing Game- How old do you really look? Technology can now tell....

How old does your face say you are? I’m assuming if you are reading this that you are hoping your face is telling people your age is younger than your ID would admit.
With this blog I want to discuss what it is that actually signifies age, and where are you actually are on that scale.
Most of know what old looks like when we see it: wrinkles, droopy lids and skin.  I have found an excerpt that is the benchmark for what cosmetic surgeons look to in determining how advanced a patient has aged dermatologically, not necessarily chronologically.
Read the types below and see where you think are, then put your assumptions to the test and really see what type of aging you are in.

The 4 Facial types were described as:
Type I: Mild (age 20s to 30s)
•             Little to no wrinkling (even with animation) and no skin spots
•             Minimal or no makeup needed by these people for a clear complexion
Type II: Moderate (30s to 40s)
•             Early wrinkling (especially with motion)
•             Loss of smoothness
•             Early appearance of brown lesions, slight yellowish discoloration or brownish cast with increased freckling
•             Makeup needed for uniform appearance of the facial skin
Type III: Advanced (age 50s)
•             More visible wrinkles
•             Sallow, yellowish skin discoloration with telangiectasias (spider veins, reddened areas)
•             Obvious visible brown skin lesions
•             Heavier makeup always worn to even skin color but can accentuate deeper wrinkles by flaking
Type IV: Severe (age 60s to 70s)
•             Wrinkling heavy
•             Almost no pink color at all
•             Increased brown spots, becoming more elevated
•             Heavy makeup worn that cakes and does not cover well

Where do you think you were? I would say I would say I’m between a type 1 – type 2. Starting to see some wear and tear, but can still get way with a powder for a complexion corrector.
So now the fun part- let’s put my assumption to the test! is the originator of the face recognition software hopefully used to determine if Facebook users are the age they say they are. Currently has a “sandbox” for us to play in and hopefully get some us to build apps around their technology. Their software allows you to either play with the photos they provide, or upload your own. It is so intelligent – it can confidently determine your gender, your mood, and for our purposes, how old you look to the world.

I took this software for a spin for myself and several friends and family members. Sorry! Surprisingly it was pretty accurate. See below:

My daughter Madeline- actual age- 12...and usually happy:)

Myself- it says i am probably  23, at the most 33.
Actual age- 36- was happy with these results!!!!

Want to see if you’re fooling anyone? Give it a whirl,
1. Step 1 :Click on the window saying “upload”, it will launch a window

2. Step 2 : Select picture

3. Step 3: Click on “Call Method"- then hover over your picture.

Have fun and enjoy! But don't take it too seriously- it thinks Justin Bieber is a female:)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Vegetable Soup:My Routine- You Asked. I'll answer

I’ve been researching longevity for about 20 years now, so all of my information that I’ve acquired and all of my tips and tricks are so second nature to me, I forget how crazy or how confusing the information can be. So to answer one our contributing editor’s question- “ What is My Routine?”
Most of you know about cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, the three step process we all see from acne care to Avon.  This is a fine solution for no fuss, no muss. As long as your moisturizer has 30 spf in the morning, you’d be fine. Don’t expect miraculous results, but it’s better than nothing.

Now on to my routine, I do probably have a little too many anti-aging products (like there is such a thing) But I’m always trying new things and most of these products take a few months to see cumulative effects- this is the exchange we make for non-invasive, non-medical spa cost.
I spend about the same amount a month as I would for a gym membership- about 50. 00 month.  However consider that I do my own hair, my own nails, and have a treadmill in the basement. I figure I came out way ahead.  Can you imagine the time and money spent for going to the Medical spa/ tanning bed, nail place and beauty salon?  No thank you!

Each morning and evening I have my non-negotiables, and then a couple that I’m trying before I decided if it actually does anything.   I use one *wild card* until it runs out, then I watch and see if I can tell a difference with or without it- I give about 2-3 weeks to tell. I use very small amount- about a pea size if that, it doesn’t take much. But when I have my little mixture in the palm of my hand- my daughter called it my anti-aging “vegetable soup”.  This takes me about 5  min of my morning/evening routine. 

Am: non- negotiable
Syn-ake (synthetic snake venom) drops in smile lines, forehead

3 drops of copper peptide

3 drops of apple stem cell

Olay SPF 30 spf

Finish with 1 squirt of emu oil

Platinumskincare- eye cream

Wild card- can’t decide
Finishing Platinum Skin Care- GABA- featured on Dr. Oz

Nights out
Arbonne- 8 hour face lift

3 drops of copper peptide

3 drops of apple stem cell

Afirm Retinol /eye cream

Finish with 1 squirt of emu oil

Wild card- can’t decide
Avon’s Gentix..  
Jessner Chemical peel- 3 min
Very mild peel

Microderm abrasion 
In shower

Every 4-6 Weeks
TCA 30% Peel
3 day weekendJ
 Am I a crazy woman ?  Perhaps. But this crazy woman thinks longevity science is pretty cool and just got carded at the liquor store last week.