I’ve already
talked about smoking – on a vanity level. So let’s talk about the sun and our
obsession with a “healthy glow” .Historically tan skin has been in and out of fashion. For
the last 5000 years, a tanned person meant low-class because they were outside laborers- think "farmer tan". Upper class ladies went
to great lengths to keep fair skin; lead paint, arsenic, and layers and layers
of clothing.
the industrial revolution, the lower-class suddenly went inside to the factories.
The tables turned and only the very rich were able to have the luxury of time. Time to lay about outside, time
to go on exotic and expensive vacations in the tropical south.
Fast forward a few decades to now; where we still long for the tan look and not caring about the consequences- just watch
an episode of Jersey Shore and watch them obsess about their darker-the-better
mentality. Listen to popular music on the ipod advocating not caring about the future,
just about having fun “…and all that
counts is here and now, “ I’m glad you came, The Wanted
So what happens when you don’t care about the future
, and just caring about looking good and having fun? Science shows us that:
One or more blistering
sunburns in childhood or adolescence more than double a person's chances of
developing melanoma later in life.24
A person's risk for
melanoma doubles if he or she has had more than five sunburns at any age.25
And if science doesn’t do it for you- Take a look
at these ladies:
Pam shows signs of her years of topless bathing, Lindsay is only in her twenties , but her fair skin just can't take it.
So what should we do- we all know what to do,
slather up in sunscreen. But after a little research, it’s a little more
complicated than I realized. I can sum up new research in a few bullet points:
- - You need 30+ SPF 30 min before you go outside- not 15 minutes like we've been told
- - You need to pay attention to both UV and UA rays.
- - There is no such thing as sweat proof or water proof, it just stays on a little longer.
- - You need to reapply every 2 hours in full sun, and after going in the water.
- - Moderate exposure in sunlight (with protection) is good for you.
- - You can still get UV/UA rays on a chilly, cloudy days, so just suck it up and put it on anyway!
- - You need to put on enough sunblock to fill a shot glass.
- - 70% of people do not put enough sun-block on.
I got the Olay Regenerist 30spf for $18.00- at Costco
Cheap, effective, preventative.
Happy face-saving, and life-saving,!
So tell us your whole routine; I'm getting a little confused.
will do!