I am determined to be that active 96 year old living their
life to the fullest to the very end. Part of that anti-aging goes beyond vanity of course.
I do exercise, and eat right. But one other proactive anti-aging activity that I
do I learned from my mother ( we’re all natural born wildcrafters I swear). I
found many don’t know about taking herbal hormone supplements.
I’ll take you back…
We have not been living past forty until the turn of the
1900 century. Menopause is something new for all of us- women were bearing
children in their late teens and early twenties. It’s only the last hundred
years us women have decided to hang around another 40 years while our bodies
have not caught up. Our hormones begin to slow down when we get to 30 years
old- our hair thins and our cells do not turn over as quickly. Around 20 years
ago it was common for menopausal women to take Premarin to put symptoms at bay,
unfortunately that led to increased breast cancer.
So now what? And what about young women and other pre-menopausal
women? There has been significant
research at Mayo Clinic done about using herbal supplements as an alternative. Another
buzzword is called “Bioidentical”
hormones. You can pay large amount of dollars to swab your mouth to get the
right balance of what you’re lacking. This helps ease the aging process and
keeps you healthy and active longer. However
studies are not clear yet about its safety- so please proceed with caution,
this is truly cutting edge.

Since I turned 30 many years ago, I noticed I was experiencing peri-menapausal symptoms and added Estroven and DHEA to my morning supplement. Taking them early on decreases the severity of aging you would have experienced.

I purchase mine from Swanson
Health products, I trust their safety processing and their price- 3 month
supply for DHEA 3.99 plus shipping. I can buy Estroven there as well or at Wal-Mart-
both cheaper alternatives than Bioidentical “doctors”. Safer too.
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