Thursday, July 5, 2012

The "Eyes" Have It! Semi-Permanent Lush Lashes

Imagine a young ingĂ©nue, the starlet. She saunters around the room in the most glamorous dress. She then looks seductively at her love interest and bats her full, lush eyelashes. 
Thick lashes are another signifier that we are youthful. WebMD states that we all initially start out with a set amount of follicles. As youngsters, our eyes are relatively bigger in our tiny head, so we can see these thick lush lashes. Once we grow into our size, the same amount of lashes spread out.  

As we age we also we rub our eyes, we spackle on mascara, we have poor diets etc. All of these aging practices also pull out our poor fragile lashes that leave us with puny, pitiful lashes.

 For hundreds of years women have been trying to capitalize on the “look” of full lashes. In Rome and Egypt, women spread kohl around their eyes to extend the lash line. While Victorian women dyed their eyelashes with the fatal “Lash-Lure” made with and acid known for removing corneas!
So what can we do that’s effective, cheap and SAFE!? I came across something recently that is making me go- duh! Why haven’t I been doing this before?  With my teaching in Milwaukee, I come across the most gorgeous made-up women with the highest maintenance routine: nails, hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. This one woman with obviously fake lashes told me she got fake lashes applied monthly at the salon once a month.  $250.00!
I thought “too much money for too fake a look”, until I saw individual lashes sold at a Sallys or WALMART for 7.00.  Andrea Perma-lash is the brand cosmetologists use for their clients, and we can do it for ourselves.  Now because I am not an expert, it took me about a half an hour to figure out what I was doing. I did watch a video online and practiced on my neighbor. But the results are startling. I can shower with them and NO MORE MASCERA! I have already taken them off and reapplied to see how that went, just fine. Now when I get out of bed, I look like I’ve had an eye lift, and am wearing makeup. I can now not worry about mascara for one month- outstanding.
 I encourage anyone else tired of mascara and want a semi-permanent eye lift to give it a try… or wait for me to come over and I can do it for you;)
Here is some TLC for your new lashes:
  • For the first 12 hours avoid getting  the lashes wet to allow the glue to completely dry
  • Do not use a steam room or sauna for the first 48 hours to allow glue to cure
  • Be gentle and respect your new lashes.  Avoid rubbing your eyes and do not pick and play with your lashes 
  • Resist the temptation to touch or pull at your stunning new lashes as this will pull out your own natural lashes
  • Avoid getting them caught on clothes and towels
  • When drying your face do not rub instead blot your face and apply a gently pressure to your closed eyes then allow the extensions to dry naturally.  Don't try to dry them with the towel or hair dryer.
  • Do not perm or curl the extensions using a clamp eyelash curlers
  • Avoid wearing mascara as this will lessen the life of your extensions
  • Do not use eye make-up remover that contains any type of oil products such as petroleum
  • Do keep the eye area clean.  This is very important.  Some ladies love their lashes so much they don't even want to get them wet at all.  Avoiding proper hygiene can result in an eye infection whether wearing eyelash extensions or not
  • Try and sleep on your back to avoid crushing your extensions in the pillow

Monday, June 18, 2012

Less is More: Using makeup to fake a younger look

Hello all- hope you’ve been enjoying your summer. I have, and I’ve been thinking about quick techniques to maintain our youthful glow during the sweaty, warm days of summer.
Think about your own makeup routine. We’ve all been there; you’ve got your makeup routine down pat. You’ve gotten tons of compliments on your shade of lipstick and you could put your eye makeup on in your sleep. Then one day your eye liner is smearing, melting, and your foundation is breaking down and settling into your lines by 10am. It is now is taking you twice as long to look half as good.

I want to talk about probably the cheapest way to appear younger, with makeup techniques.  I need you to think like an artist does. When an artist starts to sketch an object, they always look for the “light source”. Is the light coming from straight above? From the right? From below? When you know where it comes from, you can see or draw the shadows and the highlights. In my theatre/college days, we would spend a whole semester practicing making ourselves look older, younger, monster-y just with white and brown eyeshadow.
We were taught that when you apply your makeup you need to be conscious of the same light source principle, creating shadows and highlights and can therefor “fake” higher eyelids, slimmer neck, etc.

So first we need to understand what a youthful appearance looks like biologically:
  • ·         full lips
  • ·         tight neck
  • ·         high eyelids (no drooping)
  • ·         smooth skin, no wrinkles
  • ·         same skin tone, no blotches or broken blood vessels
  • ·         nose is turned up
  • ·         cheek bones are prominent
  • ·         eyes are wide, lashes are lush

So now how do we fake these youthful features?

  1.   Good skin care-you can only cover up so much
  2. The older you get, the less makeup you should wear.

a.       Less foundation- replace with a tinted moisturizer
b.      Less eyeliner- pencil over liquid. And if you do wear eyeliner, only wear it on the top- going out above the eye- it will make your eyes look bigger
c.       NEVER put mascara on the lower lashes- it draws attention to your crows feet.
d.      No glitter eyeshadow- wear matte or shear. Glitter sneaks into the wrinkles and ages you ten years.
e.      If you are wearing a powder, make sure it’s not matte; try a mineral bronzer or highlighter.
  • 3.     Skip the lipstick all together and go with a light colored gloss. Gloss gives the appearance of fuller lips. If you really want some full pout- put some highlighter (white eyeshadow, white pencil) on the bow of your lips and the middle of the bottom lip – we’re pretending that the light source is coming from above.
  • 4.      Have deep wrinkles or folds? Fill those shadows with highlighter (see illustration) I use Physician Formula Color Corrector.
  • 5.      Have a neck wobble?  Use some bronzer and shade in your neck and make it “disappear”- not too much though, you don’t want to look like you have a flesh eating disease;)
  • 6.      As we get older, our nose gets bigger. To fake a smaller nose, put some shadow or bronzer on the sides of your nose, and a dot of highlighter on the bottom tip.
  • 7.      Get a youthful eye by curling your lashes and putting highlighter dots on both corners of our eye- this will make them expand. For a fancy night, put on natural looking fake lashes. I know that sounds like an oxy-moron but lashes have come a long way and it really is the “magic “ beauty tip. All mascara commercials have them wearing fake lashes and all tv shows have them wearing falsies.
This looks like a lot of makeup- but you will just barely graze your
bronzer/highlighter brush in these areas.

            Make sure you blend, blend, blend! No masks or war paint stripes allowed.

      All of these recommended  highlights and shadows assume that your light source is coming at you overhead. If you go out to a place with nothing but flashlights on the floor, I can't promise you the same results. Maybe you'd have to switch your lights and darks? I'll defer to an expert on that one.

Most of the time you’ll see me out and about with Garnier BB(beauty bombshell) primer moisturizer,undereye concealer, curled lashes with waterproof mascara (non waterproof was starting to smear at the end of the day.... probably droopy eyes;), gloss and a smile.  Does anyone out there have some killer makeup tips? Share!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Can You Smell "Younger"? Yes You Can!

Can you really smell younger? Have you ever met someone that inexplicably was incredibly attractive?  That certain “chemistry”? What about meeting someone who seemed so friendly you instantly felt at ease? Science can now confidently tell us that yes, like other mammals we create and release invisible “pheromones” that trigger responses for those around us. Pheromones tell others if we are friendly, unfriendly, our age, and if we’re fertile and of child bearing age or “young”
Pheromones are an external hormone meant for others to react to whereas hormones are meant for only us to react to.  Scientists have debated for years as to whether or not we have pheromones and if we do, what does it make us want to do?

Dr. Cutler, biologist and endocrinologist in the 70’s knew that humans secreted pheromones and was able to prove women that had regular “relations” with their husbands had more regular menstrual cycles. By 1986, she was able to identify the actual compounds we release and was able to synthesize them. It seems for women to appear fertile (i.e.young) we produce (sweat, or urinate)  copulins , oxytocin, and androgens right before we ovulate.

By the nineties Cutler, along with Revlon, was able mass produce pheromones for the public. I personally was introduced to pheromones by a woman in sales that swore by them in helping her increase sales. She said that women were more friendly and men would approach her. I had to try it!

I started off slowly with a “beginner” pheromone- meaning not too strong of a reaction- positive or negative. I bought “Scent of Eros”- unscented roll on as the scented made mine and several others noses itch. I was told to roll it on my wrist, by my ear lobes and underneath my nose. Within in seconds I got  a “high” of euphoria that lasts about a minute. I’m not kidding.  I noticed that I was much happier and easy going. I noticed a small amount of attention from men ( not that I’m looking). Women in lines would turn around and politely smile.

I then moved on to Primal Instinct, a more potent pheromone with copulins and androgens and is also unscented. With the Scent of Eros and Primal Instinct I noticed more of that "high”. I also noticed that women would turn around and instead of smiling; they would start chatting me up, all the time! I also noticed that men would come over and start talking to me wherever I was. Not “hitting on me” per say, but friendly.  Did they think I was younger? Who knows but I did notice a huge difference when I used the pheromones and when I didn’t. It does seem to act as a social lubricant.
While a bottle costs on average 40.00 , it can last about a year, in fact it looks like it’s time for me to order some more! Try it and let me know your results!!!
Happy Young Smelling!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Boom, Your Time is Up. Stress and Aging

It’s no mystery that stress, fatigue and anxiety takes a toll on us. We get baggy eyes, dull skin, dry lips and sometimes, hair loss.

None of this should be news to you. What is news is that science has finally been able to prove that there is an actual chemical change when are stressed that actually, physically changes our genetic makeup and shortens our lives. A study from Biological Psychiatry, studied our DNA and noticed that with age, our outermost DNA (or telomere) shortens as we age. Almost like a bomb fuse. When it’s gone, we’re gone.
So when that was established, scientist looked at several people with diagnosed depression or anxiety and found that their telomere (fuses) were shorter than other people their age.

On this basis it has been suggested that telomere length is a measure of biological aging, and telomere length has subsequently been linked to age-related diseases, unhealthy lifestyle, and longevity. The research team shows that shorter telomere length is associated with both recurrent depression and cortisol levels indicative of exposure to chronic stress.

So what does that mean for us? It means you cannot take stress lightly. Stress will shorten your life and make you ugly!  Do everything you can to maintain your lifestyle with known relaxants:  Exercise, yoga, prayer, eating right, wine. 

Another method that you might consider is hypnosis. Self-hypnosis has shown to help those with severe stress trauma, such as PTSD. Some people are very successful with hypnosis and have used it to quit smoking, lose weight, you name it.  I have several MP3s from Uncommon Knowledge for exercise motivation, and to release stress and relaxation. You can download them directly to your ipod or your phone. It gets me to sleep everynight! If I don’t have time for a nap- the 15 min recording will have you feeling revived, I promise.

Want to try it for yourself? Simply email me, and let me know you’d like to try the relax/stress relief mp3, and I will email it to you right away, free! 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Nutracueticals Part 2: Imagine Having Permanent Moisture

Last week I talked about Nutracueticals, or giving treatment internally through foods/supplements. For the past 20 years the United States has focused on skin treatment using the quickest route- topically. Meanwhile Europe and Japan’s scientists at  Lavipharm (France) have discovered more effective ways to combat ageing; internally.  Ten years ago  scientists figured out how to extract a much needed anti-aging compound:
Ceramides via Lipowheat tm . This patented supplement has made its way to the US only 9 months ago.

The best way to describe Ceramide’s purpose is to compare it to spackle or mortar (as in bricks and mortar). Our skin cells lie flat overlapping each other. Ceramide is the “glue” that seals the skin cells together, therefore locking in moisture. As we age ceramide production slows down and cannot keep up with evaporation of moisture which leads to dry itchy skin. Elizabeth Arden knew long ago that ceramides (like collagen and HA) are in the mix to help us looking great and had added this compound to several of their products. While these are great products, putting ceramides on externally has minimal results. Scientist Robert Haas MS says that it is virtually impossible to consume enough ceramides through our diet alone. However science now shows that taking ceramides orally through a supplement can restore hydration up to 90%.

Video explaining Ceremide’s Function

You can find ceramide supplements on the internet- but the company that seems to have the greatest market hold in the US is LifeExtension, with Lipowheat selling for 10.00 (I’ve seen it sold on Amazon for 15-20).  Studies document improved moisture retention and some relief of skin problems like psoriasis and eczema. Wheat ceramides are identical to ours and ingesting them is supposed to help boost other topical cosmacueticals you already use.

I personally have been taking it every morning for three weeks and have noticed that I need less moisturizer in the morning to get that “smooth” feeling. I do have problems with eczema and so far, no outbreaks, but I’ll have to report on that later. I do notice a slight “aftertaste” after I take it, much like the omega 3 supplements I take.  But for me- 10.00 is WAY cheaper than a 200.00 moisture cream with ceramides.  Add me to the Lipowheat fan club!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Inside/Out: Nutracueticals for Internal Aging

Part 1

For the last 20 years, the United States has been researching ways to slow the aging process ( notice I have not said “stopped”) topically, everything from the outside- actives that treat aging are called- Cosmaceuticals. These are anything from injectable to the higher potency actives I’ve talked about in early blogs. We spend 33 billion dollars on an industry based on magic creams and potions.

The next couple of blogs I want to bring you up to speed with what the rest of world has learned in anti- aging research. Japan especially has been researching how to slow the aging process internally- or as they say -  with Nutraceuticals .

The first nutraceutical supplement is a “vitality “drink.  My husband found this drink mix, as he has always had interest in health and vitality supplements; super food drink, anti-oxidants, green tea, etc. Since I’ve always had energy issues (and energy certainly declines with age), I’ve always tried the energy drinks, b-12, GNC,  Herbalife, you name it!
I’ve finally found the “cure all” superdrink. It’s the Super C22  Dr. Pinkus drink mix, I add it to my Fresca. If I have a headache- I take a teaspoon of SuperC22, have a stomach ache , take a teaspoon.. low on energy... You get the point.

The drink makers claim that its high doses of Vitamin C (22 forms) may help: :

Super C22 formula -Vitamin C helps to improve immune function, neutralize free radicals, restore energy, relieve stress, and support vital systems. What Important Health Benefits Could Your Body Be Missing
If you’ve used Vitamin C to defend your body against the common cold — or even stress — you already know it’s a vital ally in keeping your immune system healthy. But did you know that Vitamin C has anti-aging properties that encourage collagen formation? What’s more, the latest Vitamin C news suggests that it may be able to:
·         Increase lung capacity
·         Enhance mental clarity
·         Lower blood pressure

I can’t speak to the science of this drink but I have had higher blood pressure readings the last four months, I just had one last week- it was perfect! I also notice if I mix this in with my workout water, I have a ton of energy, I feel refreshed. Placebo effect? Don’t care- it tastes great and it make anything you sprinkle it in a fizzy drink!

Next week-  Japanese scientists have found nutracueticals that produce smooth skin!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Golden Band-Aids: When Temporary is Just Fine!

I know that in the past, I’ve shied away from temporary fixes, like putting collagen on your face topically for a temporary plumper. Some of you have asked me is there is any “quick fixes” that are worth the time. There is! Most people already are familiar with an arrangement of this golden band-aide molecule for their joints- called glucosamine.  While collagen is better taken internally, hyaluronic acid can be applied topically for cosmetic uses.

The “acid” part of the name is a misnomer- there is no burning or harshness sensation when applied. Derived from radishes (vegan product!), this natural plumper is found in the body around our collagen and is used in several injectable products (Juvederm, Radiesse). For cosmetic purposes you can also find, hyaluronic acid made out of powdered rooster’s comb (yuck!)
Hyaluronic acid acts like a giant sponge that 
collects all of the surrounding water and keeps around its molecules for about 8 hours depending on the potency. Hyaluronic acids can absorb between 500 to 1000 times its weight- that’s a lot of plump!

 You can purchase just hyaluronic acid serum, or in most cases, look for it in the ingredients of our favorite moisturizing night cream. If you do use it long enough- it can “maintain” the plumped look over time.

If you look in the ingredients, Hyaluronic acid can be listed as Hyaluronan or Sodium Hyluronate. Over the counter creams including our magical plumper would be Neutrogena ‘s Ageless intensives (19.99-50.00). The price is right and I’ve heard good things. Also Olay includes HA in their array of products.
Currently I am using Life ExtensionDNA Repair cream for 19.60. This cream has lots of other yummy actives which I’ll discuss later, but it also has our famous HA, which I sometimes place on my smile lines and let it just soak in. This cream is a little heavy for me so I need to be careful or I would be breaking out. 
The results, however, are miraculous.
Happy Face Saving!